Monday 10 June 2013

Day 10 - Recovering

Somewhat surprisingly, I didn't feel too bad this morning.  Pretty achey and my foot and heel were sore but it has eased a lot as the day has gone on, the only real trouble being when I've been sat still for too long. Olivia wasn't at school today so we just pottered about doing housework and stuff ... And she helped with my rolling!

I ran this evening and I'm really proud of myself as this is the day I was most unsure if I would make it. It felt pretty good, a bit awkward and uncomfortable at first and I wouldn't have wanted to go much further but it was easier than the 2 miles I walked afterwards! (I'm only counting the running miles in #Juneathon)

Today - 2
Total so far - 41


  1. Excellent rolling (and running) you have there. :-)

  2. Aah, lovely pic - Olivia looks like a real sweetie :-)
