Sunday 1 June 2014

Juneathon - day 1

Olivia joined me on my Juneathon activity today. She cycled, I ran, from our house to my Mum's, stopping briefly en route so Olivia could have an ice cream!

It's a very nice route, about a mile and a half to the seafront cycle path and then a straight four miles along the seafront, up in the lift and then a little bit round the streets to Mum's.

I am loving being able to have her come along with me, so much fun chatting away as we go - she only learned to ride with no stabilisers a few weeks back and is doing brilliantly. Am very excited about all our new adventures.  

It was *really* hot today so I'm pretty happy with how I did. Obviously a way to go on getting quicker but it's only the first day!

We did an hour's activity and covered 5.67 miles. Pretty good going for a 4 year old and her lazy, overweight, undertrained Mum!


  1. OMG 5 miles in an hour that's bloody brilliant - stop putting yourself down woman x Well done to Olivia !

    1. Thank you! I need to be able to 6.2 in under an hour by the end of the month!

  2. I can ride my bike without stabilisers too! And you're a brilliant runner, stop whinging!

  3. You're a grown up, you're mean to be able to!
