Wednesday 8 January 2014

Janathon - day 8. Given up running.

Ok, not totally given up running, just given up running every day.

I did Janathon and Juneathon last year, I know I *can* make myself run every day. This time, I won't though. I've less to prove and more to lose. I'm still sore from yesterday's long run and don't want to kill my marathon chance before I've even really got started trying.

I'll still do *something* each day though everything's totally got to me today and I have mostly hidden in bed so today is a bit of a cop out of logging the school run walking I did.  Hopefully that counts. I'll try harder tomorrow!

Today -  walking 4.1 miles


  1. A 4.1 mile walk? Definitely counts. There are rest days in training programmes for a reason and I'm sure you will enjoy your next run more on fresher legs.

  2. Thank you - I think I'm disappointed as I ran every day last January/June so kind of expected to now. But need to think longer term this time.

    1. Definitely better to take the long view.

    2. Thanks Louise - about time I did something sensible! Seems to be working, not in as much pain now.
