Thursday, 24 January 2013

Janathon - Day 24

I think I may have hypothermia or something. But I can still run!

Picked a horrible day, it's freezing out, very windy on the seafront and snow in your eyes hurts much more than it should.

I did a few laps of the garrison lake rather than a longer circuit or out/back as I didn't want to end up too far away if I couldn't make it - I needn't have worried :-)

My longest run since 6th December. I've come in, put lots of jumpers on, had hot chocolate, stretched, foam rollered and so far feel ok :-). Another 3 mile walk in half hour and at 3 to do yet and then a nice bath!

1 hour 15 mins
7.11 miles

With 1 week to go my totals are :
10 hours 5 minutes
54.1 miles

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