Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Janathon - day 8. Given up running.

Ok, not totally given up running, just given up running every day.

I did Janathon and Juneathon last year, I know I *can* make myself run every day. This time, I won't though. I've less to prove and more to lose. I'm still sore from yesterday's long run and don't want to kill my marathon chance before I've even really got started trying.

I'll still do *something* each day though everything's totally got to me today and I have mostly hidden in bed so today is a bit of a cop out of logging the school run walking I did.  Hopefully that counts. I'll try harder tomorrow!

Today -  walking 4.1 miles

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Janathon - day 7

I made it to a week!

Today started off with really high winds and torrential rain. After waiting for 15 minutes for Becca to arrive as O went into school early, I was freezing.  All benefit of my 1.5 mile warm up walk had disappeared and I wanted to go home, back to bed.  When Becca met me, we dithered a little bit about if we should go home but made the right choice to carry on.  Our original plan was to go around 4 miles along the seafront then up and slightly different route back but the high winds lead to us quickly abandoning that!   A very "make it up as we went along" route, which are my favourites really as distance seems much less, a few brief but intense downpours and we got Becca back to her car and her longest distance ever of 9 miles.  My Brighton marathon plan said I needed to do 10 miles today so I didn't stop and continued on my way home.  As soon as the Garmjn said 10 I stooped and walked the last 0.4 or so!

I've had a bit of a weird niggle in my hip the last day or so which is sore now and I have pain in my right knee and front of my ankle.  A lot of this is the same as from when I got knocked off my bike in September so I may have to take it a bit easy.  I love the running every day but may need to accept I can't do it this time.  I have stretched and rolled and am hoping for some sleep but I won't be too stubborn this time.  Marathon is currently feeling impossible but I won't give up quite yet even though my Janathonnjng may end up more swimming/cycling/walking based for a while.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Janathon - day 6

Nothing very exciting today, just for a change!

Walked with Olivia to school and then ran home.  I had intended to run back at pick up time but still feeling weirdly achey. Don't think it's anything too serious but equally, don't want to overdo it, just in case! Long run tomorrow morning!

1.39 miles

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Janathon - day 5

It got to about 4pm and all I had  done was baking, watching football and lots of napping before I realised I had forgotten Janathon! Did consider just logging "making sausage rolls" but I need the exercise as I want to get thin again so realised I had better go out before the chaos of night before back-to-school started and I totally ran out of time.

Managed to persuade Matthew out for a little bit but he wasn't enjoying it.  He struggled round 0.6 miles as was coughing quite a bit and hasn't really done anything in ages but he was really disappointed as he was doing a mile and a half with me easily at the start of last year.  I think he wants to try and get into it again so it will be nice to have him come out more if he does.

I dropped Matthew back home and then just did my small mile ish circuit - saving my energy for Tuesday's long run!

0.6 with Matthew then
1.15 on my own :-)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Janathon - day 4

Today was one of those runs that just didn't work. I think I sometimes struggle with parkrun as I'm generally pretty lazy so am still in bed until half hour before the start - I need to start cycling down there again soon so I'm awake by the time it starts.

Legs felt heavy today, my shin hurt, ankles felt weird ... Nothing that seemed a major problem but just couldn't really get going, our slowest run in months.  As you can see from the picture, still lots of fun and looking good together :-)

3.1 miles done!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Janathon - day 3

Nice little 2.2 mile run with Sam this evening.  Weather wasn't as bad as expected but the cold and wind weren't much fun! Still, always good to get out for a little runchat :-)

Day 2 -

I am tired like I have never been tired. Stress is worse than a non sleeping newborn!

That's no reason to give up, though.  What's the alternative? I'll sit at home, eating and drinking too much, feeling sorry for myself?

While running today I was thinking of my plan for Janathon - last Janathon I had no idea if I could run everyday so set a minimum of a mile a day and completed 79 miles. Junethon, I knew I could do it so decided on 2 miles a day and at least 100 miles in total. (Managed 133).

This time, I'm back to a mile a day minimum with no monthly target in mind. I've started my training for Brighton marathon and that is most important to me. I NEED to complete that so will do my planned training for that and fit in Janathon around it somehow!


2.18 miles

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Janathon time again!

Yesterday really hit home how some people are utter cunts, others are bloody lovely. 

Through parkrun, through Twitter, through last Janathon I have gained a wonderful group of friends who are helping me so much through yet another whole load of shit.

Spent a long time this morning considering if I wanted to do Janathon again. 

Decided that yes, I do so managed a very hungover 1.28 miles.

Better than nothing.

Happy New Year!


(Just found this post that didn't publish before!)

Only managed 3 hours sleep between 5:30 and 8:30am this morning so have been barely awake most of the day! 

Didn't really fancy going out but didn't want to give up already so made myself go for a little cycle.  I'd intended on doing about 6 or 7 miles but in my hurry to escape the children I forgot I change into comfy cycling clothes so just managed 5 in the end.

Clouds were beautiful tonight so I am glad I made the effort, these ones just as I got back remind me of feathers.